Blank Magazine

A Cut Above
It's always a shock to see someone you know on television. It's usually the local news.
Some street poll or something. Your unsuspecting mate has been asked about the latest breach of the ceasefire and you know by the look in his eyes that he's stoned out of his box.

National television, however, is a different world altogether. You only get on to that if you're really special. And Adele Robinson is exactly that.

She picked up NI Hairdresser of the Year on The Clothes Show. Millions of people watched as the east Belfast business woman strutted onto the stage and claimed her crown.

Unlike some high profile snippers, Adele is anything but pretentious and won the award through dedication and hard work, not flared gold shirts and camp phrases.

BLANK would like to wish her all the best in the future and congratulate her on her recent achievement. It confirmed what most people in the business have know for years.