Belfast Telegraph

Me and my car
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So smart that Adele thinks it's just perfect.

Adele Robinson is the founder of Company Haircutters in Belfast. A former Hairdresser of the Year, she is also a co-organiser and a regular compere for international Kickboxing events. She drives an MCC Smart Cabrio.

I've always liked strangely shaped cars and that's what attracted me to this one in the first place. My last car was a Renault Scenic Megane. When it came out I remember liking its original shape too. But that was three years ago and it was time for a change, that's how I ended up buying the Smart car.

I got it in July, so its brand new. It's got a little 600cc engine and the spec describes its colour as Jack Black and its upholstery as Kangaroo Blue. It's got a CD player, electric windows, two airbags, ABS brakes and adjustable seats.

It cost me £9,750 and does a very respectable 55 miles to the gallon.
Because its still so new I love everything about it. Come back to me in a few months and it might be different but I don't think so. I suppose my favourite things about the Smart are the electric sunroof and the way the side bars can come off so you can transform the car into a buggy. Just like magic!

Most of my driving is local into work or into Belfast, although I manage to clock up 8,000 to 10,000 miles a year. I'm not a driving fanatic, though. As far as I'm concerned, driving is a necessity to get you where you need to go.

Despite that, or maybe because of it, I started learning as soon as I could at 17, but I didn't get my test first time around. Apparently my emergency stop wasn't up to scratch. I actually thought I drove better in the first test, but I passed on the second one. I think I'm a good driver, though. I read the road ahead and I think its important, especially with so many cars on the road. Everywhere just seems to get busier and busier.

Oh this is good….. you want to know if I could change the oil in my car - are you serious? I make a point of knowing nothing about car mechanics. Isn't that what men are for?

As for my dream car, it hasn't been built yet. The Smart Car comes close though. I honestly can't think of anything I'd change. It's just perfect.